Kaiju Page
Last Updated: 11/14/22
(Monsterpocalypse updated.)
This is a sort of clearinghouse for various
kaiju (giant monsters, a la Godzilla or Gamera) works I've
done. Some drawings, some kitbashes, some writing.
Just a few terms that might help you figure out
what the heck I'm talking about. :)
Monsterpocalypse is a Collectible Miniatures
Game from Privateer Press focused on kaiju action. Game was dead for a while, but it came back as a
non-collectible game in Fall 2018. Last updated:
I've made up a number of kaiju in my day, but
these are ones where I've gone all-out and made artwork.
- Laelapis,the Solar Beast - With fake background for Showa Godzilla,
Heisei Godzilla and Millennium Gamera settings.
- G.U.I.R.O.N. - On the edge o"original," I suppose. A Mecha-Guiron for
the Millennium Gamera setting.
- Bronzewing vs. Heraclius - Monstrous
inhabitants of Venus in my SciFi/Superhero setting Academy of
Super-Heroes, they're a giant bronze ibis and a titanic stone beetle. Painted in acrylic.
- Infernion - A titanic magma lion, the
"guardian" kaiju of Venus in the Academy of Super-Heroes setting. Painted in acrylic, using a
trick I picked up from a War Planets toy: the dark areas are purple rather than black at the edges, due to how a
bright red glow causes the visual purple to overload.
- Kentromachus - This is actually a backwards construction of a generic K-Girl
named Kawaiiju that I made up for City of Villains. The shoulder spines
suggested a kentrosaur of some sort, and I designed this with a hunched over person inside so that it's a Showa-era
rubber suit monster. June 2010.
Kaiju Fan Art
Stuff here is going to be pieces that are interpretations of canonical kaiju, rather
than original creations.
- K-Girls - A section of one of my drawing galleries. K-Girls are
anthropomorphic kaiju. There may also be some K-Girls lurking about in the Homemade Kaiju entries.
- 'Kiryu' - A MUX superhero character with
the high concept of "1:144 scale MechaGodzilla," tweaked to avoid the game's rules regarding the respecting of
- Snorky, The Beast That Ate Morioka - 1:1000 scale scratchbuild miniature
of the title character of Mark Crilley's 2004 comic book (seen here for reference).
The main monster is just a rope of Apoxie Sculpt bent into shape and then tweaked at the head. The buildings
are made of various styrene bits, and the rubble is more Apoxie Sculpt. I used Apoxie Clay for the eyes, as it's
easier for me to get small details right with it. Unpainted work-in-progress.
- OGREthulhu Miniature: I bought this Steve Jackson Games mini back in 2001, but didn't get around to
painting it until October 2008. I mixed up some browns and pinks to make the base color (icky pinkish brown is
not one of the colors Apple Barrel makes, oddly) and did a lot of mixing on the figure as well (i.e. lay down some
pink and before it dries swirl in some red or purple). I got the chitonous sheen on the claws by using a thin layer
of metallic pearl paint. I made the base from a section of basswood with Squadron putty for the churned up blood.
Yes, OGREthulhu is on a BLOOD OCEAN. Oh, and I deliberately avoided the stereotypical green and bone scheme,
instead choosing more of a lobster-and-meat look.
- Hedorah Jar: Not really a kitbash, I just carefully cut a Bandai Creation
Hedorah open along the "neck" seam and filled it with SD kaiju.
Kaiju Writing
To Opera of the Dvandom