These are all images scanned from various issues of Japan's TV
Magazine (Telemaga), which is a big pile of toy tie-ins the likes of
which would violate FCC regulations if attempted in this country. :) Some of
the images are scaled-down two-page spreads, and even scaled down are pretty
big, so those of you with slower connections be careful.
This is basically my last installment until I can find a source of TV
Magazine in Michigan (and get a scanner, and time, etc). In addition to what
I scanned, there's a set of trading cards that seem to be used in a fighting
game of some sort.
Black Convoy's Base: One of the things that
made Laser Optimus perhaps the best Transformer ever was the incredibly nifty
base his trailer turns into. Here's Black Convoy's base mode in all its
Black Convoy: All the stuff together, to scale
with a little kid. Note that while Laser Optimus came with a clear sword
that lit up red with an LED in his fist, Black Convoy has a clear red sword.
Baldigus Components: I'm convinced that
"Baldigus" (Bardigus) is a corruption of "Bruticus." Anyway, here's the five
components in vehicle and robot modes, with a CG combined mode.
Baldigus Combined: Probably the best color
job Bruticus has had yet, IMO.
Microman Convoy: This is a Microman recolor of
the vehicle that came with Actionmaster Optimus Prime. But instead of coming
with an 8cm Optimus, it comes with an 8cm Edison. The trailer turns into a
base mode (foreshadowing of the Mighty Laser Optimus) and the cab turns into
a jet.
Black Convoy: Various pictures of the leader of the third faction in Car
Robots. Black Convoy is a recolor of Laser Optimus Prime. The faction
symbol is a black upside-down G2 Autobot symbol, although TV Magazine is
labeling them all with Destronger (Predacon) symbols here. LATE NOTE: This
may or may not be a third faction, other sources indicate they're just the
new generation of Destrongers.
Pistol Shot: Black Convoy firing his pistol in
the wrong hand. It's the wrong hand because on the toy, the pistol only
lights up when fired in the right hand.
Sword: Black Convoy slicing a boulder in half
with his laser sword.
Origin: Gigatron was scanning terran vehicles
to use as templates for new Destrongers. He caught Fire Convoy in the beam
of his scanner while scanning a tanker truck, and thus was born the enigmatic
Black Convoy.
Toys: Toys of Black Convoy and...Black Fire
Convoy! Yes, it's time for more recolors! Looks like these are part of a
robot point giveaway (three of the giveaways are available in stores, the
other two are recolors). Not shown is a recolor of G1 Convoy, which seems to
be gold where Convoy (original Optimus Prime) is silver. Well, a little of
it is shown here. It's possible that Black Fire Convoy will show up in the
story as a member of Black Convoy's faction, but since his Cybertron symbol
is molded on, it couldn't be replaced without a remold. LATE NOTE: Dark Fire
Convoy is the official name.
Baldigus Team: The recolored Combaticons,
also part of Black Convoy's mysterious third faction.
This time out we have better pics of the JRX components, plus the Machine
Wars recolors and a bunch of "toys with candy" sets.
JRX Components: The three trains which combine
to form JRX. Betcha can't guess which one becomes the legs! :)
Indy Heat and Wrecker Hook: Recolored
Machine Wars indy car and wrecker truck, standing in front of the Fortress
Maximus release, which includes a play mat that the two here are standing
on. Still no indication that Fort Max will be available in stores, it
appears to be a mail-in premium or raffle of some sorts. I expect anyone not
in Japan is not eligble, sorry.
Toys With Candy - Various little toys that come with candy and are sold
mainly in grocery stores. Not that the Japanese grocery in my area ever has
anything but Pokemon, Digimon and Power Rangers anymore.
Little Models: Cheap, monochrome snap-together
kits of the JRX team (which can assemble more or less into JRX, although with
extra limbs sticking out), Fire Convoy and Super Fire Convoy. They
apparently come in random colors, since the three JRX components aren't all
the correct colors to make the JRX shown.
Deluxe Models: Better snap-together kits of a
train guy, one of the Car Brothers, plus, of course, Fire Convoy and Super
Fire Convoy.
Statues: Painted statues (pseudo-decoys) of the
three Car Brothers, Fire Convoy and Super Fire Convoy.
MAY 2000
No new TFCR toy pictures this time (well, there's a reallllly tiny picture of
the promotional Fortress Maximus, but it doesn't look any different from the
original Fort Max), but lots of anime-style interpretations. And a little
bit of Digimon 02.
Super Fire Convoy To Scale: Here's a picture
of a kid holding Super Fire Convoy, to give some idea of his size.
Car Brothers cel-style: Composition on this
and the remaining cel-style drawings is a bit muddy, but it should give some
idea of how the characters look on the cartoon.
Digimon 02 toys: The new toys don't
transform, instead they digivolve into their Champion levels by adding on
armor that stores in egg form. Series looks to be a sort of "next
generation" with a few of the original kids (Kari and TK mainly) a few years
older, joined by new kids and opposed by an evil human kid who's figured out
how to enslave Digimon with control collars. Some old Digimon return, plus
new ones on both sides that use the eggshell armors.
APRIL 2000
There wasn't anything worth scanning in February and March, but now we have
Car Robots! The logo is to the right, click on it to download. Also, I have
a pic of the Agumon/WarGreymon toy.
CGI Cybertrons: These are the CGI images of
the characters from their techspec cards, all stuck together in a sort of
scene. Upper left is Wild Ride, and the rest of the top row is composed of
recolored GoBots. Fire Convoy is at lower left, with Mach Alert and Speed
Breaker to his right, in that order. For those who care, the GoBots are (top
row, left to right) Eagle Killer, X-Car, War, Artfire/Autofire (below
Artfire) Ox. Counter Arrow is on the crease, you can see a little of him to
the right of Gigatron in the Destron picture.
CGI Destrons: The images used on the techspec
cards, also with a city backdrop. Gigatron dominates the lower right, with
Gelshark above him (recolored Cybershark II). Gaskunk (Stinkbomb), Gildo
(Nightglider) and Gushar (Spittor II) round out the set.
C-001 through C-004 Robot Modes: Speed
Breaker, Mach Alert, Wild Ride and Super Fire Convoy (from left to right) in
robot modes.
C-001 through C-004 Vehicle Modes: Torsos of
the smaller robots also visible here. From left to right, Wild Ride (with
robot head visible through the windshield, keen!), Mach Alert, Fire Convoy
and Speed Breaker.
Gigatron!: Gigatron's robot mode is in the
background, presiding over the other FIVE modes. From left to right they
are: Gigabat, Gigahand, Gigadragon, Gigaformula (race car) and Gigajet.
Okay, some of the modes are a bit of a stretch, but it's the first
six-changer since Quickswitch (not counting SevenChanger from the non-TF
Takara line, and it's only a six-changer if you decide the submarine mode is
too lame for words).
Agumon/War Greymon: This is a very
impressive digivolving Digimon toy. Looks like the only serious kibble is
that the split shield on War Greymon's back is actually Agumon's face.
Again, mostly Metals stuff this month, some nifty Godzilla 2000 pics (too far
off-topic to put up here, though), a sort of recap of the sentai stuff, etc.
Jaguar: A cel-style drawing of Metals
Jaguar. Yep, Agenda's already playing in Japan, and they're gonna be
bringing out OpOp and TMII Megadrac, among other toys.
Agenda Part 3: Metals Lord Megatron lets
Convoy have it in the face with a power blast. The original Convoy, of