For reference, I used both a picture of Big Daddy and my reference materials from making T-Bird, making this a sort of hodgepodge of various muscle car pieces. T-Bird front end, Chevy fins, etc.
To begin with, I disassembled W.A.R.S., and I had to cut through some pegs on the central piece because they were glued (unlike the front and back end pegs) or otherwise stuck. Then I filled in the hollow bits in the roof and trunk pieces, since I was going to have to cut away a lot of the rear of the car to change the NASCAR-style vehicle into a 57-whatever. I used Milliput epoxy putty for this purpose. Once the putty hardened, I used a Dremel sander to carve away the parts I needed to remove, then smoothed out the results with a file.
With the subtractions done, I went to the additions. I built the supercharged motor from bits of styrene sheet and rod. I used more putty to built up the front end, change the shape of the driver's compartment, and add the big ol' fins. I also drilled a hole in the hood to hold the rifle, but found that because of the size of the engine I had to file away a bit of the rifle so it would fit. Picture of unpainted kitbash.
Finally, I painted the pieces in black, red and silver. Using W.A.R.S.'s red instead of Big Daddy's orange let me leave some of the sliding parts unpainted, so I don't have to worry about the paint scraping off.
Originally leader of a Micromaster patrol, Big Daddy was the sole survivor of one of Megatron's early attacks on Earth. He was rebuilt with an advanced Spark Engine for covert action among humans. His burning need for vengeance is hidden behind a James Dean-like facade. He can deploy his Phantom Cannon in either mode, an invisible weapon that fires ultraviolet laser beams capable of punching holes in a foot of reinforced concrete in one shot. His Spark Engine lets him drive up to 300mph on smooth roads, but his aerodynamics usually keep him to under 150mph, since he tends to lift off the road and crash at higher speeds.
STR 8 INT 6 SPD 8 END 7 RNK 6 COUR 8 FRP 6 SKL 8 Avg 7