Miscellaneous Gallery - Webcomics
Last Updated: 9/23/08
Wonderella action figure added in new "Others" section.
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Kitbashes based off of webcomics, or webcomics discussion sites.
Something Positive Care Bears: The webcomic Something Positive is sick and
twisted. At times, so am I. In one series of strips, the characters play
D&D as messed up versions of various 80s toys, and one of them gets a Care
Bear. After being convinced to abandon a name involving unsavory practices
with a skull, one character picks the name Fister
Bear. After seeing a set of plastic Care Bears at Wal-Mart, I knew I had
to create one. And then another, and another...well, as of 3/14/04 I'm up to
thirteen of the twisted little things (and have sent the first nine off to
RoboSnarky: A robotic version of the mascot of
webcomics review site Websnark.
Repainted from a MyClone Grimlock. I later made a RoboWeds out of MyClone
Arcee to represent Wednesday, the second columnist at WebSnark.
Project Skin
Horse is a series about people working for a government agency that helps
the sapient products of mad science make lives for themselves after their
creators inevitably abandon them or die or whatever. There's five permanent
- Tip and Gavotte: Gavotte is a sapient
beehive hivemind and the boss of PSH. Tip is a cross-dressing ex-marine
psychologist and the group's token human. Tip is built from a "Con Artist"
Heroclix figure with some Dremeling and putty, Gavotte's hive is a
scratchbuild from putty and plastic bits.
- Unity: A zombie made from pieces of at least
two different women, she's the team's gun bunny. Built from Ultimate Marvel
Girl with the arms from a police mook (both Heroclix) with some putty to
build up the jacket.
- Sweetheart: An uplifted dog, she's the de
facto field leader of the team, having the only thing resembling a work ethic
of the three mobile members. A wolf miniature Dremeled down a bit, the tail
curled up with a needlenose pliers, and some floof added to the chest with
- Mustachio the Thinkorium: PSH's receptionist,
his legs were confiscated in the mid 19th Century after he tried to destroy
the London World's Fair. This mini shows him in his salad days. The body is
a wooden bead, the boots and gloves are from an Incinerator Golem Mage Knight
figure, the arms are copper wire, and the other bits are styrene and putty.
- Group Shot: Just to give a sense of how
they compare.
Other Webcomics: anything I haven't done enough projects of to merit its own
- Wonderella Action Figure - From the Non-Adventures of Wonderella, a sort
of general parody of female superheroes (mainly Wonder Woman, though).
Wonderella is ethically "pH-Neutral" to the point that her alternate in an
Evil Mirror Universe is indistinguishable from her.
- Action Figure: Made from a spare Justice
League animated Wonder Woman. I cut off most of the hair and reshaped what
was left with the wire brush head of my Dremel, stripped paint from the body
with the wire brush, added a few details with Apoxie Sculpt and very thin
styrene sheet.
- Wonderella versus the Question: The spare
Wonder Woman came in a three pack that I bought or the Question figure. When
I realized he could shake his fists in impotent rage, I knew I had to pose
him with Wonderella.