MechWarrior Dark Ages Repaints

Last Updated: 12/7/05
Super-Koshi added to insane projects.
These are repaints or rebuilds of MechWarrior Dark Ages figures. A Short Guide To Mech Maintenance that will help you with
minor problems and repairs.
This section will hold simpler repaints and minor alterations, usually with
just a single picture each.
- AgroMech Customs
- AgroMech Reposed - Extended the thresher arm and
rotated the claw arm a bit for a more dynamic pose.
- Nothing Runs Like A Deere - I repainted the
above AgroMech in John Deere colors. Some have said the yellow is too
bright, but I compared it to some John Deere vehicles on campus and it seems
right to me. Might be the scan color balance.
- Case/IH - Before the merger, it was
International Harvester. I suppose it would be Interstellar Harvester now.
I did a lot of highlighting that totally failed to show up in the pic.
Keychain 1/128 scale tractor shown in pic.
- New Holland - Another one inspired by a keychain
tractor I found. Never heard of the brand before that. I decided to do a
ninja conversion on this one, turning one of the shoulder blades into a
shuriken. I also added a cow and painted a ninja mask on its head.
- Gaston - An AgroMech MkII modded into a
Patlabor-like police Mech. Replaced the harrow with a water cannon (no game
effect, just works on civilians) made from plastic rod bits. The water pipe
across the elbow is some 16 gauge copper wire.
- Muenster Agromech MkII - From the Cheese
Brigade of Clan Spirit Cow, it's a muenster cheese-patterned SC AgroMkII. On
the one hand, I think I managed to capture the look of a muenster mech. On
the other, it's not really a good look. Ah well.
- ConstructionMech Customs
- Construction Mech: Mantis Style - Inspired by
comments on the WizKids forums, I took a Construction Mech apart and rebuilt
it in a more humanoid configuration. I used a bit of putty to fill in the
gaps, and carved down the pelvis so that the figure could turn farther at the
- Construction Mech: Mantis Plus - Similar
rebuild to the one above, but now the head has a neck joint, and I replaced
the scoop with a cutting wheel (an actual Dremel cutter) that is free to
- ForestryMech Customs
- ForestryMech Reposed - A green ForestryMech
modified with the chainsaw arm positioned lower. I drilled a hole in the
underside of the shoudler and popped the arm in there (it can still rotate).
Then I touched up the paint job.
- ForestryMech Reposed MkII - This green
ForestryMech has even more joints added.
- MiningMech Customs
- MiningMech Linebacker Custom - The main flaw
in the MiningMech figure's design is the narrow shoulders. So I fixed that,
cutting out the entire shoulder joint on each arm and gluing them to
- MiningMech Mining Custom - Frankly, the
MiningMech design really doesn't look like it would be much use in a mine.
This version comes closer.
- Rosebush Trimming Mech - Based on a gag in a
Dork Tower strip, this Mech is designed for trimming rosebushes. Heh.
- Clan Spirit Cow - Simple repainting of a
bunch of Spirit Cat units, giving them Holstein cow spots. A 292 point army
as it stands right now: AgroMechMOD, 2x Joust Tank, Mobile HQ, 2x Clan Battle
Armor and a whopping 6x Hoverbikes.
- Ultimate Cheese Mech - AgroMOD-B done up in
half cheddar, half swiss (with "eyes" added on the swiss side using a
Dremel), in response to various webboard threads about this or that Mech
being too cheesy. Another member of Clan Spirit Cow's Cheese Brigade.
- ConstructionMOD: Mantis Style - Okay, this
doesn't look as much like mantis kung fu as the one above, but it's the same
sort of modification. Rather than swap arms (since the gun arm is just fine
on the MODs), I flipped the claw arm around and popped the upper arm panel
off, gluing it onto the other side (after making a few small modifications to
the pegs). I moved the missile rack to the left arm so the cockpit could sit
atop the torso, and did the same pelvis carving as on the ConstMech above.
Because I was more careful this time about disassembly, I didn't need to use
any putty to fill gaps.
- Advanced Poolboy Mech - Second in the series
of Dork Tower UselessMechs, this was made from a MiningMech MOD-B. I cut off
the tip of the piledriver thing and turned it into an extendable pool
skimmer. I also painted brown "shorts" on the naked metal and gave it red
- Bathroom Janitor Mech - The third and
final Dork Tower UselessMech! An Agromech MkII-MOD base, the flamer tips
were replaced by a powerwasher nozzle, and the harrow with a giant roll of
toilet paper. I left the Eridani Light Horse color scheme intact...someone's
gotta clean up after all those light horses.
- Armless but not Harmless - To make Hoist
(below) I needed to cannibalize some bits, including the arm from a BR
ConstMOD. Inspired by how the figure seemed to be lurching away from a blow
after I removed its left arm, I gouged out more bits, added some severed
wires and painted it up like catastrophic damage to the left torso.
- Hoist - Okay, this is a Transformers mod, but not a BattleMech, so I'll
put it here. A ConstructionMech MkII with the arm from the ConstMOD above
and a leftover scoop from the sawblade ConstMech and a few other bits is now
a decent simulacrum of Armada Hoist. It even has a PowerLinx hardpoint. I
had to do a LOT of mixing to get even kinda close to the taupe-brown color on
Transformers Mods
- Skywarp - After the first Spider I bought fell
apart yet again, I decided to do a repaint on this >>> Mech. I removed the
one remaining shoulderpad and painted it according to the Heroes of Cybertron
Skywarp figure, plus a few little extra details.
- Starscream - I got a third > Spider and
decided to repaint it as Starscream. This one had the shoulderpads, so I put
Decepticon symbols on those rather than on the underside of the wings.
- Thundercracker - Got some >> Spiders on eBay and
finished the trio. I deliberately removed one shoulderpad.
- Seeker Trio - All three Spiders together in
direct sunlight, for that "Maybe we shouldn't have moved so close to the
orbital bombardment target" look. To make Skywarp and Thundercracker into
mirrors, I took the shoulderpad I removed from Thundercracker and added it to
- Shockwave - It's a SC Shockwave rebuilt as
Decepticon Shockwave. I removed the main autocannon and filled in the gaps,
then transferred the torso-mounted cannon to the left arm.
Armada Decepticons
- Group Shot - Cyclonus, Megatron, Starscream
and Demolishor from Transformers Armada. All of them have heads taken from
the SCF ACT-9 and ACT-10 pewter-tone PVC figures. It started with me staring
at a bunch of spare MW figures and thinking, "I haven't kitbashed MW in over
a year, I need to do SOMETHING." I started with Demolishor, and got on a
roll, doing Cyclonus, then Starscream, and finally Megatron all in the space
of five days.
- Demolishor - A Cougar with weapons from
a JESII spliced onto the shoulders and arms.
- Cyclonus - An Arbalest with most of a Crow
Scout Helicopter attached to the back. The Crow is removable, and the
original backpack can be reattached via a peg.
- Starscream - A Crimson Hawk with the
cockpit moved to the chest.
- Megatron - A Ghost with guns rearranged
and the treads from the donor-JESII on the shoulders.
Municipal Mechs
- Ohta's Firestarter - He gets to fire the gun! To
go along with the Patlabor-ish AgroMkII above, this is a repainted Dragon's
Fury Firestarter. No physical mods.
- Firefighter Hatchetman - For those really big
fires. A Dragon's Fury Hatchetman repainted and slightly remodded (added the
flashers on the head, replacing the antennae). I actually had better luck
painting it white and then red over that then trying to paint bright red over
dark red.
Sane Repaints
- Arbalest Camoflage - A Bannson's Raiders
Arbalest painted in actual camoflage colors. Of course, since it has
Infiltrate and Camo, it needed to hunt ducks. Giant, alien, 3 meter long
- Wasp Repose - A Steel Wolves Wasp reposed with
one leg bent, a much better-looking pose than the one the figure comes in. I
just touched up the existing color scheme.
Insane Repains
- Cosmic Boy Legionnaire - Got one too many
Legionnaire Mechs and decided to paint one up as a member of the Legion of
Super-Heroes. I went with Rokk Krinn because slinging metal downrange is
what he does. And the heat sinks along the shoulders looked kinda like his
chest discs.
- Legiontaur - Another "got too many" job. I
fused a broken Highlander Legionnaire with a non-broken one, reposed the legs
a lot and made a centaur version. Its center of mass is three millimeters
from the edge of the base, so it tends to tip. Later modified by gluing a
really big metal washer to the base, it doesn't tip now.
- Hover Legionnaire - Well, I had a spare
upper body after the Legiontaur job, and I dug out some hovercraft minis made
by Fortress Figures and spliced 'em together. Not trusting to a slender
Warhammer flight base, I decided to use a piece of thick plastic rod and
paint it black.
- Pink Hawk FlamingoMech - Reposed and
repainted a Black Hawk into a flamingo. Squonk! Took a half dozen coats of
pink to cover fully, even AFTER doing a solid white basecoat on this Spirit
Cat Mech. I guess this is the Mech that Clan Spirit Cow would rather deny
the existence of.
- Stormy Pinkness Hatchetman - Another
repainted Spirit Cat Mech, as I flesh out Clan Electric Flamingo. The
jumpbase is a combination of a Mage Knight flight base from a Soaring Gunner
and a bolt-head cover from the hardware store. I used five different pink
paints on this baby. And didn't use all my pinks. Scary. Unpainted preliminary pic with Lego piece
standing in for the bolt cover.
- Catapult with a catapult! - Okay, this was a
goofy bit. Even compared to the above. I took the Orc Raider Stonethrower
from my Mage Knight Conquest "Siege Pack" and cut it from its base, carving
it up so it'd fit snugly between the LRM's on the Catapult Mech. It's just
poster-tacked on, not glued.
- Trikaiser - The ride of the Trichrome
Warriors Clickranger team. The top half of this modified Ghost becomes a
jet, while each leg becomes a hovertank thing. Spirit Cat Ghost base.
- Gray Ranger and his Akrom Robo - A Spirit
Cat Uller becomes the ride for the mysterious Gray Ranger. I chopped two of
the three figures off a SS Laser Team for the Gray Ranger himself.
- Condor-Wasp Transformer - I was challenged
to devise a transformation for the Condor hovertank, and decided to go one
better and BUILD one, using a Wasp as the skeleton of what would essentially
be a "shellformer". Both units were Highlander to start with, so I just
touched up the paint rather than going with a new scheme. I left out the
central core of the Condor, but used every other bit. Interestingly, the two
units start with almost the same stats on the first click, so it's a good
- Super Koshi! - This started as a flight
base project started shortly after the FlamingoMech, but I gave up on it for
many months. Finally decided to repaint it as a somewhat dark version of
- VV1 Ranger - A small repaint shows the VV1 finding
its tactical role.
- Hardhead - A Highlander Marksman tank with a
broken barrel that I modded into the vehicle mode of the Headmaster
Transformers Hardhead.
- Tamerlane - A Swordsworn Tamerlane
repainted as part of Clan Electric Flamingo.
- Ishiro Nova Cat's Ice Dragon - JI100
Recovery Vehicle reposed and slightly repainted.
- Bludgeon - The other significant
four-tread G1 tank, Decepticon Pretender Bludgeon, built from a Bannson's
Marksman tank that was damaged in box and had lost most of its kibble
- Flamingo Mech Support Troops - A Bannson's
Raiders Peasant Company painted up to match with the Pink Hawk. Part of Clan
Electric Flamingo.
- Jumping Cavalier BAs - Steel Wolves Cavalier
BAs, with now two jumpers, woot. Squadron putty used for the exhaust flares,
again touched up the paint.
- Jumping Gnome BA - Highlander Gnome BA with the
leading armor jumping up on a clear plastic peg, with exhaust flames added
using mangled plastic rod pieces. I touched up the color scheme and added a
bit more paint.
- Reflective Jumping Gnome BA - More Highlander
Gnome Battle Armor, this time repainted to have the reflective armor they're
supposed to be equipped with. Shiny....
- Purifier Crimson Guard - Decided to not try
to jump-base these, since they're tiny. Painted in mostly spice red for a
nifty special duty team.
- Trichrome Warriors Clickranger - A SC
Laser Team repainted as a power ranget team trio.
- Play Mat Schematic - A diagram of the playmat
I made using a piece of remnant cloth. My version also has stuff around the
edges for counting VC3 points, stacking destroyed units, etc. A 3-player
game uses CZ1, DZ2 and CZ3. A 4-player game uses just the CZs (Corner
Zones). The CZs are only 51.5 square inches, and easier to defend by putting
a unit in the corner.
- Viaduct - Some N-gauge scenery from Atlas.
The arches are too narrow for a Mech to stand in them, but vehicles can hide
there just fine, protecting their flanks. The DI Schmitt tank just barely
fits. Sadly, the two sets I got were slightly different grays.
- Painted Viaduct - I got two more sets and
painted them all so they'd stretch across the map.
- House - Got it half off, found out why when I
got home. The white sprue was missing, and it had all the window trim and
the fence around the yard. I painted everything but the windows.
- Fuel Depot - Actually a "waste water" tank set,
but I've been using it as a fuel depot for the internal combustion engine
Mechs and vehicles. It has a Defense of 15 against serious damage, any hit
has a chance of making it explode (under the damage on a d6 for ballistic,
close combat or special attack, equal to or under the damage for energy,
anything but a 6 for flamers). Explosion does 1 damage and 1 heat to
adjacent Mechs, 2 damage to adjacent vehicles and infantry. 1 heat to Mechs
within 2 inches, 1 damage to infantry and vehicles within 2 inches. Then it
burns for the rest of the game, doing the 1 heat or damage to any adjacent
In this section I will put the more ambitious pieces, ones that will
require their own webpages.
- Atlas - Removed all the spikybitz, remounted the
guns and fully repainted this unique unit, a one-Mech army.
- Wasp LAM - Cut apart a Wasp and added in a toy
jet to make the "gerwalk" mode of a Wasp Land-Air Mech.
- Phoenix Hawk LAM - Likewise with the Phoenix
Hawk, woot.