HeroClix Repaints

Last Updated: 3/8/09
Atomic Robo added.
These are repaints or rebuilds of HeroClix figures.
MARVEL - Various
This section covers Marvel HeroClix either massively touched up or rebuilt
into other Marvel characters. Or, I suppose, DC HeroClix rebuilt into Marvel
- Dr. Strange - Blue mask version, as seen
in old issues of his own title, and recently in The Order. I Dremeled down
his head and a bit of his chest.
- The Captain - From around #330-350 of his
first self-titled book, Captain America gave up his costumed ID and assumed a
new one as The Captain. The costume later passed on the John Walker, Cap's
replacement during that era, who became USAgent. I did only a little
modification of the mold on this figure, adding a belt buckle and fixing the
mold of the mask (the WWII cheek pieces were retained for the modern day
mold, accidentally). I used a Rookie Captain America because, well, it's my
own spare at this time. And because it looked like someone had sneezed when
painting this one. Cap's larger than life...or at least, larger than most
HeroClix, being made on a bigger scale.
- Kingpin (Michael Clark Duncan) - A simple
repaint of the Kingpin figure. It actually looks more like it SHOULD be the
movie version played by Michael Clark Duncan, heh. Painted for a figure
painting contest at a local store...you had to buy the figure there as part
of entry, so I got a booster rather than follow the lead of everyone else and
do a Warhammer figure.
- AIM Elite Agent - Another entry in the
contest. I took a rookie Bullseye, cut off the head and replaced it with a
piece of plastic rod (carving a notch in it for the eyeslit). I'd
contemplated resculpting the figure into a movie version of Bullseye, but the
pictures I could find all had him in a long coat.
- Black Knight on Valinor - A friend disliked that A) Black Knight came on
an Atomic Steed, and B) he got so many Danielle Moonstars. So I put Dane on
Dani's horse.
- Arnim Zola - Just a paint touchup. I found the
original panel the sculpt was based on, and did what I could to make the
figure look correct. I also used some neon pink to get a glowy effect.
DC - Various
- 1990s Black Lightning - A putty job, turning
the current BL figure into the leather outfit worn in the Isabella/Newell
series of the 1990s.
- The Mad Mod - A Teen Titans cartoon minifig
glued to a new base and painted to look better (out of box it had horrible
paint apps).
A friend asked if I could fill in the gaps in the Legion of Doom for him (he
had someone repaint a Catwoman as Cheetah, so I didn't need to do that;
Grodd, Brainiac (sorta), Riddler, Black Manta, Solomon Grundy and Sinestro
already exist as of the first DC set), so once I determined it was
theoretically possible with the figures I had, I went for it. It's worth
noting that in every case, the powers are either exactly right or at least
pretty close.
- Lex Luthor - The man who's superpower was
keeping the Legion of Doom idiots from killing each other. That, and a
massive spycamera network. Built using a veteran Blue Beetle's body and
dial, and a Puppet Master head, with putty added for the collar. The head's
a bit freakishly big, but the collar helps.
- Bizarro - The simplest of the lot, I just
carved off the S from the front and back of a rookie Superman, carved off the
spit-curl and messed up the face a bit with a Dremel. Then I repainted the
symbols and the exposed bits. Remember, the Legion of Doom version of
Bizarro did not have the "Bizarro #1" medallion.
- Toyman - Don't blame me for the costume
design, it's not my fault. There are almost no skinny male Heroclix (I did
consider doing a boob whacking on a female fig, but had no suitable ones), so
Toyman's been abusing steroids or something. The base figure is Constrictor
with the coils cut off. The shoulderpads were made from Squadron putty, the
mask is a mix of putty and tiny bits of plastic sheeting. The teddy bear by
his feet is the Ben Grimm puppet I cut from Puppet Master's base. I'm
worried that the mask won't survive transport.
- Giganta - Built from a She-Hulk figure. I
used putty to make the skirt, but was at a bit of a loss regarding the ankle
and wrist bands. Putty would be a pain...and I realized I could cut up bits
of plastic tube, Dremel the edges rounded, then cut once and snap into place,
regluing once on. I had to do some other minor mods, like Dremel away the
glove and boot lines, and try to make the feet look a little more like bare.
- Scarecrow - This used the Puppet Master I
was hacking bits from for the other projects. Since I took away his head for
Luthor, I gave him a Bullseye head I had left over from the AIM Elite Agent
project, just to have something to lay putty on. This used more putty than
the rest of the Legion of Doom put together, turning the apron into a coat,
adding the collar, the hat, the straw hair and a few bits of straw jutting
out other places. For the rope belt and ropes hanging from the arms, I used
32 gauge wire.
- Captain Cold - Another veteran Blue Beetle
(I got several of them, now down to one). I made the hood and various ruffs
with putty. The goggles I made by Dremeling down Beetle's goggles and
connecting them with putty. It wasn't until I was painting this and Luthor
that I realized how strongly the Blue Beetle pattern was molded into the
figure. In Luthor's case I ignored it, here I tried to make the jagged ice
pattern more or less fit the Beetle pattern.
These are projects that don't fit into any of the universes above.
- The Heroic Wendts - A friend of mine was
redecorating his den/home office in a superhero theme and was thinking of
getting people to create artwork of his "self character" Doc Blue, as well as
those of his wife and child (Magenta and Jester). Within minutes of his
mentioning this to me, I had picked out base figures (T.O. Morrow, Huntress
and Toad) and was off and running. I went for a pulpish power level here.
Only minor mods for Doc Blue and Magenta, but I built a poofy shirt and hat
out of putty for Jester.
- Manitou - Crucible City MUX character of a
friend of mine, made from a She-Hulk (Rookie) base with extensive putty
additions. Drawing.
- Myrmidon - My Crucible City MUX character.
The clickbase is rookie Nightwing, the figure is the Mage Knight Immortal
Zealot with the crest taken from the Mage Knight Infantry Captain. Putty
used for the tunic and visor. In my original character drawing, the tunic
was draped over the left shoulder, but I had to cover up a big shoulderpad on
the right shoulder of the Zealot. Myrmidon does not have Nightwing's ranged
attack, but he does have a "move by" ability that I suppose could be used to
represent the ranged attack...jump in, attack, jump back. Drawing.
- The Bride - Uma Thurman's character from Kill
Bill, in her motorcycle suit from vol 1. Based on a Sydney Savage figure
from IndyClix. She's not barefoot in the scene where she has that outfit,
but I figured it would be more in keeping with the spirit of the character to
have her barefoot.
- Atomic Robo - Lobster Johnson with
some putty adds and other mods to make the pulp-ish robot hero and
star of his own comic. Unpainted.
February 2009.