(Click any picture for the full size version.)
I used scarlet paint on the forearms and the clear plastic roof and hood
parts, a special mix of gray I call "overcast" on the arms, legs, feet and
face. I used "pool blue" on the windows and other blue details, and "antique
gold" for the gold accents. I also used a bit of metallic sapphire on the
chest panel details (I had to use a paperclip to hook the chest panel out so
I could paint it). I gave the gun a light coat of gunmetal and then a black
wash, and used licorice paint on the grilles. For the license plate, I just
printed that out and glued it on, although it took a few tries to get the
size right.
The first time I "finished", I'd put the forearms on the wrong sides, which kept the vehicle mode from fitting together properly. When I went back to fix that, I also did some more touchups. In the interests of preserving history, though, here's the pictures I took the first time around: