Miscellaneous Actionmasters Works other than the Elites and the Femmes, which are grouped below. | |
Actionmaster Stepper: One of the knockoff Actionmasters floating around these days is of Jazz, and I picked up one of them. Eventually, I decided to paint it, but didn't want to just make him look like Jazz, so I pulled out my Stepper decoy (see Decoys) and painted the Actionmaster into the likeness of this Japanese Targetmaster. Added 2/14/98. |
Actionmaster Bluestreak: Another knockoff set I bought contained an almost all-blue Actionmaster Prowl mold, which I decided to paint up as Bluestreak. The police "flashers" are still on the figure's back, albeit painted over with the pearly color I worked up when I did my Bluestreak decoy (several coats of very light grey covered with a thin coat of gunmetal). Added 2/16/98. |
Actionmaster Optimus Prime: I got this genuine Actionmaster Optimus Prime withough accessories for three dollars. Why so cheap? Because not only was the paint all chipped, but three of the limbs fell off when I picked it up! So I took it apart, added clear nail polish on the joints to firm them up and increase the size of the ball hips, then painted the toy. I added a few details not in the original paint job, mainly in silver. And hey, I have the Microman reissue of Prime's truck. Added 2/9/01. |
Defcon Actionmaster: A kitbash of a Steel movie figure and a cheap Japanese robot model kit into Defcon, the Autobot from the second season G1 episode, "The Gambler." |
Tuxedo Blurr Actionmaster: Anthony Oster's TF/Sailor Moon crossover character, as designed by Zobovor and kitbashed by me from a Vault Ultron and a lot of other stuff. |
Beast Machines Whisper: Built from WildCATs Spartan 12" figure and a lot of other stuff, this is my largest kitbash to date, and my first Beast Machines original character. |
Actionmaster T-Bird: Built from an S.T.A.R. Corps Reactor figure, just a regular Actionmaster rather than an Elite. Complete with a partner, Dazzle. |
A little dancing robot figure with a spare Scourge (RiD) head and a to-scale knockoff Sword of Fury. |
A larger version of that dancing robot toy with a spare Armada Super-Mode Optimus Prime head. |
Actionmaster Elites These Actionmasters actually sorta transform, like the Elites sold in Europe. As I get more practice, the transformations are less lame. Well, I like to think so, anyway. | |||
Roadgunner |
Backpack |
Pom-Pom |
Alpine |
Cyclonus |
Corkscrew |
Alabaster |
Recoil |
Zigzag |
Cutter |
Outrider |
Roadgunner: Built from a S.T.A.R. Corps figure, some toy car bits and a lot of putty, Roadgunner is an original character. | |||
Backpack: Built from a S.T.A.R. Corps figure, two backpacks from those figures, some plastic sheeting, spare wheels and more putty, Backpack is another original character. | |||
Pom-Pom: Built from a WWF Signature Series Jacqueline, some parts of a knockoff Gundam, some Legos and some putty, Pom-Pom is an original character who claims to be the sister of Megatron, but no one believes her. | |||
Alpine: Built from the third S.T.A.R. Corps figure in the pack I bought for Roadgunner and Backpack, plus some GIJoe vehicle parts and putty. Alpine is an original character. | |||
Cyclonus: Another S.T.A.R. Corps kitbash, this is my first try at turning a canonical character into an Actionmaster Elite. | |||
Corkscrew: A Junkion of my own creation built from the exploding Ghost Rider figure and a LOT of spare parts from other toys. | |||
Alabaster: Obsidian's less successful brother, now resentful of being made Obsidian's lieutenant. Made from two S.T.A.R. Force figures, various bits of plastic and putty. | |||
Recoil: Beast Machines Megatron's bodyguard, a gunrobo made from S.T.A.R. Force figure Quantum and the usual assortment of spare parts and putty. | |||
Zigzag: My Vehicon Horde grows with the addition of the dragster Zigzag, made from S.T.A.R. Force figure Vector, some Legos and putty. | |||
Cutter: Yet another Vehicon, the speedboat Cutter, made from the other halves of the figures used for Alabaster, Legos, putty, toy boat bits and parts of a measuring scoop. | |||
Outrider: A Vehicon tasked with keeping any more Maximals from returning to Cybertron, a lonely vigil that he lives to perform. Constructed from S.T.A.R. Force Electro, Legos, putty, some spare shoulder joints, and plastic sheeting. |
Actionmaster Femmes Various kitbashes I've done of females from the Transformers Universe, both canonical and of fan creation. | ||||
Minerva |
Arcee |
Bowshock |
Nightbirds |
Magic |
Bugbyte |
Arena |
She-Spawn into "Actionmaster" Minerva: It took half a block of Sculpey and an awful lot of white and red paint (to cover the black with enough coats), but I turned the She-Spawn action figure into this 7" tall poseable Minerva figure. | ||||
Poison Ivy plus Panzer Blade equals Arcee G2: My first serious attempt at merging an action figure with a model kit, I used a Poison Ivy I got with a gift certificate and a cheap Panzer Blade knockoff model I got to make this vision of a G2 comic Arcee, with lots of extra weapons. | ||||
Bowshock Deceptifemme from Dr. Karen Ross and Knockoff Model: I had some parts, I wanted to make a figure, but none of the canonical female Transformers fit the parts I had, so I created my own character. I used a Congo action figure and parts from a model kit of the same knockoff line as I got the parts for Arcee from. | ||||
Nightbird from Jessica Priest: The ninja robot from the G1 cartoon episode "Enter Nightbird," built from a Spawn Movie toy and a lot of Sculpey. Now also includes a second version built with epoxy putty instead of Sculpey. | ||||
Magic from Adon: Magic is a creation of Eva Gillmann, and is Megatron's mate. I built this figure out of an Adon from the Turok line, with putty, sheet plastic and the hair from Spawn's Angela (a leftover from Rapture of the Neo-Knights). | ||||
Bugbyte from Allura: A relatively quick bash of Stealth Voltron Allura into an Actionmaster complete with partner with spring action wings! | ||||
Arena from Allura: The other Allura figure kitbashed into a robotic gladiatrix. |