Dave's Monsterpocalypse Mk 1
Last Updated:
(Page spun off)
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Now that Monsterpocalypse Mk2 is out, I decided to move the
old Mk1 stuff (and fan works inspired by it) to its own page. This is unlikely
to be updated unless I discover older works I neglected to link in.
Basics, Accessories
- Custom large base: A 2.25" base made from a
cheap picture frame. November 2008.
- Custom unit base: A lid from a plastic box that
happens to be 1.125" square. I have since discovered you can get Vanguards
for 25 cents a piece online, so I bought a load to take apart for bases.
December 2008.
- Dismantled unit base: A 25 cent Vanguard's
base taken apart so you can see how it goes.
- Building storage: A way to transport all
those custom buildings I've been making. December 2008.
- Charms:
- Destroyers Agenda charm: A quick little
necklace or bracelet charm for the Destroyers. December 2008.
- Martian Menace charm: Not exactly how the
simplified faction logo looks on figure bases, but working at this scale is
really hard. :) December 2008.
- Vanguard charm: Well, after I took that 25
cent Vanguard off its base, I decided to add it to the charm bracelet.
December 2008.
- Carnidon charm: Just unbased this, added
the connector and painted the "soles" of the feet. I like the Carnidon paint
job, and didn't think I could really improve it. December 2008.
- Planet Eater charm: Another reverse-relief
charm. January 2009.
- Source: Mechanical charm: I tried just drawing
the gear logo and sealing it with glass stain paint. Didn't work out so
well. January 2009.
- Source: Mechanical charm try two: I got a
Dremel engraving tip and tried again on this symbol with the tried and true
reverse relief trick. January 2009.
- Charm bracelet: Got this at Wal-Mart, two for $4. The other one is
pink. I had to drill an extra hole to fit it on my "not a teenaged girl"
wrist. January 2009.
- Spraypainted ID Rings - Used some Krylon Fusion
paint to make my ID rings green. March 2009.
- Monster Island hat - My Halloween 2010 costume, using a railroading hill,
an army surplus helmet and a bunch of cheap Monsterpocalypse units to make a
wearable island.
- G-B.O.P.P.E.R. - A G-Tank mixed with a
B.O.P.P.E.R. from the classic microgame "Rivets". October 2008.
- Galatea - Prototype Self-Aware Converting Mecha
codename Galatea. A G-Tank cut up and mixed with Heroclix "Boom Boom" to
make an Elite unit that's not up to dealing with Monsters, but is pretty good
against other units. Unpainted version. October
- A Vanguard with cow: A 1:1000 scale cow made
from a bit of styrene slat. Painted the Vanguard up with neon details to
rice it up proper, see it under blacklight.
October 2008.
- Mr. Creosote: A Meat Slave turned into the
character from Monty Python's The Meaning of Life (the "Better get a
bucket!" one) using Apoxie Sculpt. Unpainted
version, to show the puttied areas. October 2008.
- A-Type Shinobi: An Aerial Type Shinobi made
from a Heroclix Gravity and some bits. Under UV
light. December 2008.
- Space Penguin Force: A bunch of penguin miniatures placed on bases
repurposed from cheap commons and painted up to match Pengonn. March 2009.
- G1 Strike Fighters: Painted up as G1 Decepticon jets. April 2009.
- Equutha's support units: Bella Sara horsies with the flocking removed,
rebased and painted up in Lords of Cthul colors. May 2009.
- K-Type Shinobi: A City of Heroes character
done to look like a new kind of Shinobi, the katar-type. July 2009.
- Matchbox Green Fury Van: A Matchbox VW Bus rebuilt into the Green Fury
van. July/August 2009.
- Carnitron repaint: I stripped all the
original paint, including the clear orange basecoat, and then repainted in a
slightly tweaked and more metallic version of the original color scheme.
October 2009.
- Bronze G-Tank: Trying out a technique on a
cheap G-Tank before using it on a more expensive figure, but it looked nice
so I took a picture. Red Shimmer metal leaf pen, then Pledge Future acrylic
floor polish mixed with blue paint to get the nooks and crannies. April
- Metal Vanguards: Got some AlClad after
doing the Bronze G-Tank, and decided to experiment on the Vanguards I cut off
their flight bases for the flying penguins. One in AlClad chrome, one in
AlClad copper, one in Krylon gold leaf pen, just to see how they compared.
The panel lines were done with various paint colors mixed into Pledge
Future. April 2010.
- Metal Carnitron: Having finished the
"messing about" phase with the AlClad, I decided to chrome up a Carnitron,
and used Pledge Future with yellow-orange paint to tint the clear bits some
more. I decided that the "mouth" was really an eyeslit and painted it
accordingly. April 2010.
- Fire Kami LOLpocalypse: A Fire Kami decides
to express how it feels about Ignite. May 2010.
- Chromed Shadow Raider: An Elite Shadow
Raider chromed and otherwise touched up. May 2010.
- Dom-kun: A knockoff MS-09 Dom figure based onto a
G-Tank stand (stats are about right) and repainted to resemble Domo-kun. I
used neon red on it, so it glows under UV. November 2010.
- Big Science: A Shapeways "Retro Super Robot" by Trent
Troop of Prize Inside, painted up in GUARD colors. September 2017.
- The Inevitable Ares Mothership Mod: Moo. Had
some N-scale cows left over from old Battletech modding, and one could be fit
into the support pillar for the Ares. October 2008.
- LOLpocalypse Gorghadra: Mega Gorghadra looks
kinda like he's made of candy corn. November 2008.
- Pengonn: A new Planet Eater of my own creation,
made from appropriately-sized penguin figures. November 2008. Now available
on the K-girls page.
- Rogzor a la Kirby: The canonical Planet
Eater, drawn in a Jack Kirby style as if he were a 1950s Marvel Monster.
December 2008.
- Equutha, dread pony of the apocalypse! A trio of Ponyville figures from
My Little Pony turned into Alpha, Ultra and Mega forms. Views: 1, 2, 3, 4. January 2009.
- LOLpocalypse Xaxor: Crunchy Halo! May 2009.
- Teddy Khan: A spare Carnidon modded into a
plush Terra Khan for the K-girls to cuddle. July
- City of Heroes Terra Khan: An attempt at
making something like Terra Khan in the City of Heroes character generator, a
Fire/Invulnerability Brute. Didn't actually go all the way to playing it,
just saved the image. August 2009.
- Rules Team Gorghadra: Got a spare Gorghadra
figure from another modder, and added a t-shirt with Apoxie Clay. References
the various Rules Team
posters. October 2009.
- Dairugger XV LOLpocalypse: If they make a
"Vehicle Voltron" Monsterpocalypse, the morpher rules will require some
adjustment. July 2010.
- Darth Cthugrosh: I got a defective headless Mecha Cthugrosh. Once the
replacement from customer service arrived, I took the defective one and added
a Darth Vader head from my bin of leftover Attacktix bits, then painted it
up. Front view, rear view.
- GUARD CAV: I got a set of the CAV Bones Kickstarter, and decided to paint up
one of each robot in GUARD livery. Not really big enough to count as Monsters,
but definitely too big to be Units. December 2014.
Custom Buildings
- Stomped Banks: Parody logos for my three Bank
Headquarters: Ameritank, WhamU and IndySmack. All based on financial
institutions that failed recently, and so won't miss a few buildings that
monsters stomp on. TIFF of the labels in case
you want to do this yourself, although you might want to darken the grays.
October 2008.
- Tokyo Tower: A chromed-plastic Tokyo Tower
souvenir thing (seen in the picture frame base pic above in a layer of black
spraypaint) on the custom base. I tried a bunch of washes and drybrushing to
bring out details, but in the end decided a flat color scheme fit the tone of
other buildings better. November 2008.
- Osaka Castle: From the same set as Tokyo
Tower. The Underground Network power is because of the tunnels under the
castle. I hot-glued a stack of Legos inside the castle. November 2008.
- Five Story Pagoda: I think this is supposed to be
the specific pagoda at the temple in Asakusa, but the architectural style is
common enough I decided to make it a non-Limited generic pagoda. Not that
I'll ever have more than one. :) The spiritual power makes it a Power
Producer, and I figured Helpless would best convey how Fiends like to destroy
it. November 2008.
- National Diet Building: Same stats as the
official Government Building figure, but built from a model of the Diet.
Yeah, it's a bit too big for the base. November 2008.
- Residential Neighborhood: A nice soft target
made using Plastruct's 1:900 scale houses and cars, plus some scratchbuilt
scenery. December 2008.
- Grocery Store: Another soft target, this one
with High Occupancy to represent the food inside for Nature-powered
monsters. December 2008.
- Liberty Memorial Tower: The central part
of the World War I memorial in Kansas City. The Abilities were chosen more
for their rules effects than their names. December 2008.
- Courthouse: I almost made this a library, but
I didn't want to try sculpting 1:1000 scale lions for the pedestals out
front. Note the handicapped access ramp in back. December 2008.
- G1 Transformers Space Bridge: That's supposed to
be Bluestreak approaching the ring, as he decides he's not getting enough
screen time and heads back to Cybertron. December 2008.
- Chromed Arsia Outpost: Not a custom building
so much as a repaint, replacing the silver with AlClad Chrome. I also added
a couple of bits of clear red. May 2010.
This got big enough to merit a separate page. Last updated:
(Kristi Shore added.)
This is likely to be just fanfic for Monsterpocalypse. I don't feel
qualified to write strategy articles, and any general kaiju essays go on the
main kaiju page.
Other Stuff
- Rise Spreadsheet - An .xls file with the info on all
the units in the Rise set. I'll add info to the spreadsheet as I get it.
Right click and download the link, there's a key to the notation used at the
bottom of the sheet. Current version: Oct 26, 2008 (got the Strategy Guide,
so all info should be accurate now)