Superguy icon taken from
the Superguy homepage, probably by Rob Furr.
This page last updated
7/23/13 with
Spectrum Pony
Crazy Guy
These pieces come from my first Superguy series, which started as 36 Crazy
Plots and quickly became Crazy Guy when I realized 36 plots maaaay
have been biting off more than I could chew.
- Crazy Guy: My very own Superguy character, check
out his series, Crazy Guy (originally "36 Crazy
Plots"). He's an homage to Hong Kong comedic martial artist Jackie Chan.
- Crazy Guy Figure: As part of a demo
project for my physics education work, I painted a Silver Surfer "Metal
Mania" toy as Crazy Guy. I used a full "bandana over the head" mask on this
version because the figure's bald and I don't have anything durable enough to
use as hair. The image is twice the size of the figure. 8/20/96
- Crazy Guy Action Figure: Created from the
"Quest for Camelot" figure Garrett, this action
figure retains full posability as well as the staff-spinning gimmick built
into the original toy. I trimmed off Garrett's long hair and built up Jack's
hairdo using Milliput epoxy putty. I also used putty for the mask, his
wristbands, the smaller weapon he's holding and touch-up on his tunic. The
staff is a red plastic rod painted gold at either end. I don't know what the
smaller weapon is, I had some leftover mixed putty and decided to make him a
smaller weapon he could spin more quickly. 5/22/99
- Vector: Telekinetic psychedelic martial artist.
He's a redesign of an older character of mine, and shows up in Crazy Guy #7.
I mistakenly refer to him as brown-haired there. 5/27/96
- Ben Sidhe: Pronounced "Banshee." Disorienting
Chi scream simultaneously befuddles foes and makes her flesh iron-hard.
Martial arts assassin hired to kill Crazy Guy in 36 Crazy Plots #4, she's a
recurring character. 5/31/96
- Ben Sidhe Action Figure: Kitbashed from a
Tekken 3 Nina Williams figure I got at Electronics
Boutique for 99 cents on clearance. Rather than try to reproduce the dress
Mairi wears in the drawing above, I settled for a modest top made from epoxy
putty and cutting her fetish shoes down to a more reasonable form. The hair was the trickiest part. I built up the top with
putty, but used insulated electrical wiring for the braid, braiding it
together and then filling the gaps with hot glue and painting the whole thing
orange. The figure has an exchangable right arm, the other one can hold
various weapons, and I painted a wristband on the spare arm (not shown).
Oh, and my brain skipped a line or something when I did the text on the main
image here, she's not called Banshee, it's just pronounced that way.
Exarchs: A Season In Crimson
My second Superguy series took characters from my LNH writing and dropped 'em
in Superguy, stealing heavily from the Exalted RPG for the first mega-arc.
Skysabre: Formerly Sig.Lad, here he is with the magic weapon Skysabre and
a suit of magically reinforced armor (which, as of the date of this drawing,
he hadn't acquired in the story yet). Copyright Dvandom 5/12/02
Oakthorn: Formerly Cheez Arrow, here he is with his magic bow Oakthorn
and the living wooden armor granted him by the bow. Copyright Dvandom
6/1/02, although the pose and logo style borrowed from the cover of the
Exalted rulebook.
Katena: Formerly Kopikat, she lost her robotic shapeshifting abilities
when she grasped the Stone Catena and her body turned into malleable marble.
The armor is in part based on the cover of Nobilis 2nd Edition (and, like
Skysabre, she hasn't obtained the armor as of the time I drew it). Copyright
Dvandom 6/13/02.
Forgeheart: Formerly Rotanna, she lost her original magic powers and
gained a fire aspect. Her weapon is the hammer Forgeheart, and her armor
(same deal as above) has an oversized right arm with mystic musculature. No,
it's not forced perspective, her right fist is that big. Copyright Dvandom
Seafixer: Identity a secret for much of the arc, but the armor covers the
entire body, so no spoilers here. The weapon is Seafixer, aka the sea-fixing
pin used by Jack (Crazy Guy). Yes, it was red and gold when he used it. The
paint burns off when its true nature is revealed. Oh, and I used no digital's all gel pen and correction marker and stuff. Copyright
Dvandom 12/23/02.
- The Gentle Gift of
Crimson: the "Prince of Shadows" mini from the Exalted line, painted up
as GGoC. 6/16/06.
Exarchs: The Gods Must Be Mad
The second mega-arc kinda flamed out, but I got some art out of it. This arc
was more of a Feng Shui/Shadowfist thing, picking up plot threads from Crazy
- Skysabre:
With the loss of the mystic armors worn in A Season In Crimson, it's time for
new costumes! Skysabre is the first, with a more utilitarian outfit inspired
in part by Challengers of the Unknown and their ilk. Copyright Dvandom 2003.
- Kat: She opts
for a practical outfit, more or less, with big boots because she's tired of
leaving footprints in the sidewalk. The thong is made of something REALLY
durable, so it'll survive the kinds of damage dished out on Kat. Made of
ComicsCodium or something. Copyright Dvandom 2003.
- Gashopon Kat: A
capsule figure (gashopon) I got as a bonus in a trade, painted to more or
less resemble Kat. Copyright Dvandom 2005.
- Oakthorn:
Leather aviator's jacket, cargo pants with strap-on quivers. The bow and
arrows are all collapsible (hence the short quivers), and he's dyeing his
beard orange. He doesn't adopt the collapsible arrows until after the events
that start in episode 29. Copyright Dvandom 2004.
New Exarchs: Flash Drives
A few years later, I rebooted. Lower power levels, a sort of Flash Gordon
- Jamais Lokris: Deja Thoris homage, a
sorceress Black Squirrel introduced late in the Flash Drives arc. September
Other Stuff
Either characters someone else created, or that don't really fit into stories
(like my Authorial Muse...she's appeared in Exarchs, but isn't really an
Exarchs character, know what I mean?).
- Summer: Chris Meadows's character from his Team
M.E.C.H.A. series in her hardsuit form. I pulled out my BubbleGum Crisis
"Movie Book" and blended elements of various Knight Sabre hardsuits for this
design, mainly Nene's and Linna's. See Chris's page (from the Links section of my page) for a picture of Summer in normal
form. 10/28/95
- Spectrum: Lawrence (Amigoid) Brown's extremely
powerful and angsty Superguy character. 12/24/95 (Original crappy GIF, I rescanned it in 2007.)
- Spectrum Pony!: Rule 85, baby. A pegasus
pony with arcanikal horn and gauntlets. 7/17/13
- Airwave: Amigoid's WWII boy hero in black and
white during his glory days on the left, and in color on the right as he is
now. 1/4/96
- Kat the Muse: My Authorial Muse, a 6" tall winged
Kopikat robot. Inks only version. 5/19/05.
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